Thursday, April 9, 2009


The green tiger
With a ruby heart,
A light rain infused with sweet,
A summer suckling
At natures teat,
A smell as fresh as spring
Written in collaboration with Megan Bingham

I just wanted to let you all know that I am very deep and am taking poetry classes at the university. Megan and I wrote the piece of art above. Does it make you want Watermelon? Or more curious as to what Natures teat is? These are deep thought provoking questions.

Friday, April 3, 2009

So You had a Bad Day

Just like everyone experiences "changes" in their bodies at one point, Otis began to experience those same changes. Accompanying those changes was a new found bravery. Otis gave us a little scare with his new bravery by trying to beat up a German shepherd, Otis only ways 12 lbs. He was neutered the next day.
What happened to me?
I am just confused...
Please no pictures
I have accepted it